Free Images with Leia Ann Woods from Pandora Blake Dreams of Spanking.
She nervously awaits the Superintendent in a private room of the HQ. She's heard rumors about some of the more severe disciplinary methods still employed in the Service, but so far hasn't experienced any punishment worse than extra physical training or tedious chores. Sadly a moment of carelessness during a training exercise has sabotaged her good track record, and after accidentally discharging a clip of live ammunition she knows that her Commanding Officer isn't going to let her off lightly.
Still, she has her whole career ahead of her, and she's determined never to be so careless again. Whatever punishment she faces now, she intends to take it as a Wren should: with courage, honour and dignity. WRNS rating Woods nervously awaits the Superintendent in a private room of the HQ. She's heard rumours about some of the more severe disciplinary methods still employed in the Service, but so far hasn't experienced any punishment worse than extra physical training or tedious chores. WRNS rating Woods nervously awaits the Superintendent in a private room of the HQ.